Introducing the Radiant Rosé Bouquet preserved flower arrangement. This breathtaking display features an assortment of vibrant pink and soft rose-colored blooms, meticulously preserved to maintain their fresh, captivating beauty. Complemented by delicate greenery and charming accents, this bouquet is elegantly arranged in a sleek, modern vase. Perfect for adding a touch of luxury and timeless charm to any space, the Radiant Rosé Bouquet requires no maintenance, offering lasting elegance. Ideal as a thoughtful gift or a sophisticated addition to your home or office decor, this arrangement brings a sense of joy and beauty to any setting.
Featured flowers: Rose, hydrangea, baby's breath
Size: 7''W x 11''H
Vase height: 7''H
Recommended for: Valentine's Day, Anniversary, Mother’s Day
Includes: Free Message Card
Delivery: Handling time is within 7 days, and shipping takes 4-6 business days.