Introducing the Lavender Rose Arrangement, a sophisticated arrangement of preserved roses in delicate lavender hues, perfectly placed in a tall stone vase. Each rose is carefully preserved to capture the beauty and detail of its petals, presenting a serene floral display that adds a touch of tranquility to any room.
The vase, crafted from natural stone, features a textured finish that complements the soft tones of the dusty roses, creating a harmonious blend of nature and artistry. This piece is ideal for enhancing the decor of a home or office, offering the timeless beauty of roses without the need for water or care. It serves as an exquisite centerpiece or a meaningful gift that conveys elegance and appreciation.
Featured flowers: Rose (23 pieces)
Size: 6.5''L x 6.5''W x 14''H
Recommended for: Valentine's Day, Wedding, Anniversary, Mother’s Day
Includes: Free Message Card
Delivery: Handling time is within 3 days, and shipping takes 4-6 business days.