Introducing the Lavender Dreams Bouquet preserved flower arrangement. This enchanting bouquet features a captivating mix of blue, purple, and pink roses, meticulously preserved to maintain their fresh and vibrant beauty. Accented with delicate hydrangeas, soft greenery, and charming sprigs, it is elegantly wrapped in intricate floral paper and tied with a lovely lavender ribbon.
Perfect for adding a touch of magic and elegance to any space, the Lavender Dreams Bouquet requires no maintenance, offering lasting beauty that brightens any room. Ideal as a thoughtful gift or a sophisticated addition to your home or office decor, this bouquet brings a sense of serenity and timeless charm wherever it is placed.
Featured flowers: Rose, carnation, hydrangea
Height: 9''W x 12''H
Recommended for: Valentine's Day, Wedding, Anniversary, Mother‘s Day
Includes: Free Message Card
Delivery: Handling time is within 3 days, and shipping takes 4-6 business days.